Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

Crew Activity

This is the moment that always awaited by every person that adds calories the body through the food in the dining room. In one day must be done three times ie breakfast, lunch and dinner. But everyone should be concerned with their weight, blood sugar, cholesterol, uric acid and so forth, so necessary to eat a balanced diet.

Recreation room is never empty of the crew, due to saturation and boredom will be forgotten lost in front of tv. This is a means of entertainment only in this rig.

Work environment that always associated with the hazards (fire and leakage), it is necessary for preparedness. All crews are always trained on this, fir fighting training and abbandon ship condusted routinely in every week. Practice evacuation of victims are also held once a month.

While we were at sea, parted away with the family. Love of the country, the nation patriot morale should always be grown on every person in this rig. Done by conducting a flag ceremony in anniversary of Indonesian Independence Day.

They always faithful serving foods that are hygiene and high taste like restaurants.

Coffee time at Soehanah mini cafe

Government and military officials often visit to this rig

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