Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

Rig Soehanah Position

Rig Soehanah posistion at mouth of Mahakam river. The distance from port of Balikpapan around 65 miles, and 42 miles from pilot jetty Senipah. If in coordinates on 0 degrees 52 minutes 21,7 second South and 117 degrees 43 minutes 40,8 second East.

Appearance of Rig Soehana

Soehanah rig has type jackup rig, with 3 pieces of triangular leg. Each leg is driven by 18 electric motor with transmission power through a few gears that are connected to the third pillar in the corner of the leg. When this rig changed position, the legs lifted up so that the body can rig floats on the water. Rig move pulled by tugs. When rig will occupy that position has been determined, then the legs lowered to the seabed to the rig body eventually be lifted above the water at a given altitude (water gap). During the process of raising and lowering the legs of the rig, the rig body balance must be kept (roll and trim). This is done by monitoring the movement of the three legs when rising and when falling.

Expatriat Crew

Left : Christian Danzin as representative oil company, from France.
Right : Laurens Zonneveld as representative oil company, from Dutch.
Both are the first man to make all decisions and steps that must be executed to achieve the succes of this project. Effectiveness of time, efficiency budged should take precedence in determining policy.

Left : John Rogers as Rig Manager, from UK. He is always control all activity (logistic and operation) in this rig. POAC (Planning, Organizing, Actuating and Controlling) is the main guidelines as a manager.
Right : Ngu Kah Hua as Rig Superintendent, from Malaysia. He is friendly and hardworking.

Left : Robert Lobo as Rig Superintendent, from India. He is smart man, leadership is crucial to success in this project.
Right : Ricky Naido as Barge Master, from South Africa. He is very diligent exercise. Cleanliness rig, loading and unloading of all materials, control function of all system in the rig was his responsibility. He say to blogger : " Team work is the key to a safe and succesful operation. Soehanah rig crews perform an excellent job. Keep up the good work "

Left : Iquebaal Rahim as Chief Electrician, from Malaysia
Right : Colin Fulton as Chief Mechanic, from Australia

Left : Bob Manjenic as Directional Driller, from New Zealand
Right : Dennis Dougherty as Ass.Rig Superintendent, from USA.

Left : Francis O'Connel as Chief Electrician, from Australia.
Right : Eckert Deninno as Mud Supervisor, from France.

Indonesian Crew

Kiri : Doni , Night Company Man.
Kanan : Agung Santoso, Night Company Man.

Kiri : dr. Peter Emanuel, Rig doctor
Kanan : Fajri Basri, Geologist

Kiri : Firmansyah, Safety Officer
Tengah :
M. Junaedi, Camp boss.
Kanan : Prasetyo, Geologist.

Kiri : Kamal Dahri, Camp boss.
Tengah : Pramujito, Senior Mechanic
Kanan :
HLO Team

Kiri : Agus Susanto , Radio Operator
Tengah : Noenoehitoe Emanuel, SPA (Simultanous Operation Platform Authority) Officer
Kanan : Rajab, Radio Operator

Weatherford Team

Crew Change

Crew change conducted once every 2 weeks for the Indonesian crew and every 4 weeks for overseas crew. Implementation of replacement crew using helicopters and ships. The helicopter departed from Sepinggan airport, whereas the ship to depart from the pilot jetty at senipah.

Crew Activity

This is the moment that always awaited by every person that adds calories the body through the food in the dining room. In one day must be done three times ie breakfast, lunch and dinner. But everyone should be concerned with their weight, blood sugar, cholesterol, uric acid and so forth, so necessary to eat a balanced diet.

Recreation room is never empty of the crew, due to saturation and boredom will be forgotten lost in front of tv. This is a means of entertainment only in this rig.

Work environment that always associated with the hazards (fire and leakage), it is necessary for preparedness. All crews are always trained on this, fir fighting training and abbandon ship condusted routinely in every week. Practice evacuation of victims are also held once a month.

While we were at sea, parted away with the family. Love of the country, the nation patriot morale should always be grown on every person in this rig. Done by conducting a flag ceremony in anniversary of Indonesian Independence Day.

They always faithful serving foods that are hygiene and high taste like restaurants.

Coffee time at Soehanah mini cafe

Government and military officials often visit to this rig